Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Benefits of Membership

One of the recurring questions I have been getting is “What does AGRSS do for me?”

Great question and one which may take several articles, but I will start to answer today.  Lets start off with organization. Every shop big or small needs organization for the work to flow smoothly.  Without organization there is confusion and stress on everyone. Customer service suffers, and service levels go down.

The AGRSS standard addresses organization by giving you a standard operating procedure to be followed.  Starting with pre-inspection for damage that saves you money and customer complaints.  Documentation of lot numbers and DOT numbers for any product recall or issues related to the products you used make finding and rectifying any defects a breeze.  The adhesive manufacturers, most of which are AGRSS affiliate members provide you with instructions, procedures, and technician training for their products to meet the standard. Most include easy to use stickers and even pre-inspection forms for your convenience.

Sales and Marketing
Nothing happens unless someone sells something!  AGRSS members enjoy several sales and marketing aids.  Hang tags, brochures, window and vehicle logos are just a few.  The new Validation video is an awesome tool when calling on your local Insurance Agencies.  If you haven’t seen the video please visit
Click on the “For Insurers” tab and the video will play.  13 minutes of well-spent time that will help an insurer understand the importance of the Standard. Copies of the video are available to AGRSS members for only $1.00 each! 

How do you introduce the customer to the AGRSS standard?  During the pause between getting the customers basic information and pulling up the parts and pricing on your computer just add in the following statement to the conversation…

       Ms. Smith we feel it is important for you to know that the windshield of your car is an important part its structure in case of an accident.  Your safety and your family’s safety are important to our company. WHAT THAT MEANS TO YOU IS …It is critical you make a good decision when choosing who replaces your windshield. As an AGRSS registered company we take pride in providing our customers with a SAFE trouble free installation. AGRSS stands for Automotive Glass Replacement Safety Standards. The ONLY WINDSHIELD INSTALLATION SAFETY STANDARD in the country. We make sure your car’s windshield is installed properly.  Did you know that according to some reports 70% of all windshields replaced today are installed incorrectly?

Another fact is 85% of all Glass Shops in the United States are NOT AGRSS registered companies. So the consumer has only a 15% chance someone like you will install his or her windshield!  Someone who cares about the safety of each of your customers! Remember safety sells!

AGRSS has also developed several programs to promote the Standard to the Insurance industry.  From Consumer awareness programs that can be held in your market to direct marketing to insurers and TPA’s by me! It is great to have an organization pushing the AGRSS standard at every opportunity on your behalf, and working with you to promote it in your market.

Having a Plan
You may be interested in something I am currently working on. It is a detailed marketing budget worksheet format that AGRSS registered companies may use.  This will provide a month-by-month plan for you to use as a roadmap to properly market your business.  This sheet helps you plan out all of your marketing expenses including yellow pages, Internet, outside sales, etc.

Sleep better at night
Having done the absolute best installations for your customer will ensure a better nights sleep.  No need to buy that sleep number bed, sobakawa pillow, or take any pills!  The procedures followed by you and your technicians will help give you piece of mind, less warrantee work, and safe happy customers! You can rest easy knowing you’ve provided the absolute best.

Other Benefits
Web site. The site will be redesigned soon with additional emphasis on getting the consumer to call you!  The web site has started generating customer leads and these jobs are sent directly to AGRSS registered companies at no charge.
Your ability to promote your status as an AGRSS registered company in press releases and local press has never been better.  Shops that have been validated are even able to get a generic press release to customize.  This just confirms to your customer that they are making the best choice of companies when they choose you.

I am also currently working to increase the benefits of AGRSS Membership for you by improving AGRSS so that it is irresistible to the Insurers, consumers, and TPA’s alike.  I have several projects that I am working on that I feel will be fantastic benefits to you and your business.  Stay tuned as I begin to roll these out.

I will say that I can’t do this without support from you.  I need your help NOW to grow the footprint of AGRSS registered companies to ensure that if an insurer or customer needs a job done in Timbuktu TN or Wewoka WA, I can assure them that we can take care of it with an AGRSS registered company.

Please call or email me with questions or comments!

Dan Mock
Business Development Director
254-304-0554 office
254-498-8520 cell

Friday, February 4, 2011

Week Two

Included in my activities this week was reaching out to several AGRSS registered companies. Receiving positive feedback from everyone I spoke to, and getting great feedback and recommendations from each of them.  But…I still want more feedback!  If you haven’t yet please email me or give me a call!  I want and need your feedback.

I also planned a trip to speak to existing and prospective Registered Companies in Ames Iowa February 19th! It should be exhilarating (cold) there this time of year, but I am flattered to have been asked to speak! If you are in within driving distance of Ames you are welcome to join us! Send me an email and I’ll get you the meeting information.

In this weeks message I wanted to talk just a little about commitment.  I think it is something every AGRSS Registered Company has in common. So I thought you would enjoy a story I read awhile back that has really stuck in my mind about commitment from one of my favorite coaches.

Football coach Lou Holtz addresses commitment through the following story.  At practice one day he noticed the left guard was just going through the motions, not really giving it his best effort.  Coach Holtz removed him from the offensive line during a scrimmage and told him to sit on the sidelines.  He then began running the plays without his left guard.  The offensive team only had ten players against the defensive teams eleven players. Coach Holtz instructed the running back to run the football to the area where the left guard normally played.  Because there was no on to block for the running back, he was tackled each time.

After this happened several times, the offensive players came back to the huddle grumbling and complaining.  When Coach Holtz asked why, they told him they would get beat if they did not have a left guard to block.  Holtz taught the entire team a great lesson when he replied, “I would rather walk into a football stadium with ten committed players and lose a game than I would with someone on the team who is not committed.”

Now the left guard had looked like a football player that day in practice.  He had put his uniform on like a football player.  He talked like a football player.  He even ran like a football player.  Yet he’d never made a commitment to be a football player.

I’d like to challenge each of you to make the commitment to be an active part of AGRSS and the evolution of the Glass Industry. We want you on the team!

Dan Mock