Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Week One

Last Friday I wrapped up my first week as Business Development Director for AGRSS.  It was a fantastic week filled with a lot of support from many, many AGRSS shops and people.  I really did hit the ground running and aside from a few technology glitches everything went very smooth.

Speaking of technology…I was talking with Jeff Bull (Bull Associates) who has headed up the membership committee for AGRSS for quite awhile now.  Jeff mentioned that he had finally purchased an Apple computer!  Jeff knew that I have been an Apple fan for a few years now, and Jeff went on to explain that he was having an issue making the switch. It seems Jeff was still thinking the way he used to think when using his PC.  For those who have never used an Apple, this is very common, and I experienced it myself just a couple of years ago. The key to an Apple is…thinking about what you want to accomplish, and then just do it.  A great example is moving files. No right click, copy, paste.  You just click and drag.  Simple right?

Talking with Jeff brought to my mind a comparison between the Personal Computer auto glass industry today, and what could be the Apple auto glass industry of the future.

If you look at Apple today it has a much smaller audience than Microsoft but…
Apple users are fanatical about the brand
Apple delivers quality products that are the leading edge in the market place
The Apple product is simple to use
There are no viruses to worry about
All of their products connect to one another.
Their marketing to the public is phenomenal
The Apple brand is growing at an amazing rate

Now let’s compare the non-AGRSS auto glass industry to the AGRSS auto glass industry of the future

If you look at AGRSS today, it also has a much smaller audience than non-AGRSS but…
AGRSS Members are fanatical about the brand
AGRSS members deliver quality products that are the leading edge in the market place
The AGRSS process is simple to use
There are fewer installation issues to worry about
All of their members connect to one another.
The AGRSS marketing to the public is phenomenal
The AGRSS brand is growing at an amazing rate

I know a dream right?   Maybe, but together we need to try to get the pendulum swinging the right way, the way Apple has swung the pendulum.  Admittedly I’m no Steve Jobs, but together as group I know we can get that pendulum swinging!

Stay tuned…exciting news is coming!

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